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Archive for March 2014

Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain. It is the capital city of the community of Catalonia with a population of about five million people. It is the largest metropolis on the Mediterranean Sea, and is located on the coast between the mouth of rivers Besos and Llobregat. With day tours from Barcelona, the city cannot be fully explored. The city is bilingual with two official languages of Catalan and Spanish widely spoken.

Barcelona is rated as one of the world’s leading tourist, economic, cultural, sport centers, and exhibitions attractions. With global influence in education, fashion, media, arts, science and commerce. This is a good tourist and vacation spot for anyone thinking of taking a vacation in a foreign country. A day tours from Barcelona will convince you. The city also boast of great innovative culinary culture because of its proximity to the Mediterranean.

Its dishes are mainly made with exquisite seafood in combination with vegetables and fruits. Their cuisine is considered one of the healthiest diets. Some of the delicious cuisine are ‘Escudella i carn d’olla’ this is a soup dish of pork, beef, chicken, vegetables, rice, noodles and potatoes. A seafood specialty is ‘La zarzuela’ this is a mix of halibut, monkfish, squid, mussels, and prawns. A day tours from Barcelona will leave you hungry that you will definitely try one or two of these cuisines.

day tours from barcelona

Some of the interesting attractions in Barcelona are:

  • Picasso Museum, this museum is very popular for the fact that all of Picasso works are displayed in chronological order dating from his earliest works to his final works. This gives people fascinating insights into the development of Picasso’s thinking overtime and how he developed his distinctive designs that made him famous. This museum is worth putting in a day tours from Barcelona.
  • Another favorite place to visit is Sagrada Familia, this is a giant Basilica designed by the famed architect Antonia Gaudi. This building has been under construction since 1882 and still has another 30-80 years before its completion. This is a masterpiece that does not fail to incite some kind of emotion in sightseers. You are either filled with awe, wonder or wrath. A day tours from Barcelona will not be complete without taking a look at this magnificent site.